After the Masses on the weekend of March 14-15, a representative of the diocese will be here to fingerprint the employees and volunteers of our parish. There is a signup sheet in the narthex of the church so that by signing up things could flow more smoothly Thank you very much for your cooperation.
This weekend we begin our parish mission. It will take place Feb. 29th to March 4th at 7:00 pm each evening and end promptly at 8:30 pm. The preacher will be Fr. John Mark Ettensohn, OMI. Please make every effort to attend and bring your family and friends.
Last week we announced and explained some of the details of this year's Bishop's appeal. I trust that each one read and prayed over the information in the brochure and list of expenditures. This week each will receive a commitment envelope for the Appeal. I ask that you take it home and pray about your contribution this year. Our goal is $9,100. Last year we went over our goal. Many thanks to those who gave. Next week please place your Bishop's Appeal envelope in the collection after which we will remit to the Diocese. In anticipation of your generosity, thank you very much.