From Feb. 7-12, Fr. Lou Studer, OMI, the provincial of the Oblates in USA, will visit Sacred Heart. The provincial is the one in charge of decisions about the Oblate fathers and brothers in this country. He will be preaching at all the Masses on the weekend of Feb. 9-10. He will also be preaching a retreat day for the Oblate Associates, a lay group that experiences the Oblate charism, on Saturday, Feb. 9th. Please plan on being with us that weekend in order to meet Fr. Lou. Click for a bio on Fr. Lou.
We live in a world that is increasingly filled with noise. Silence, then, is often viewed as merely the vacuum to be endured between sounds. However, in the words of more than one mystic, “Silence is God’s first language! “ How can this be, and how is “Silence” reflective of God’s presence? Please join Fr. John Mark for a peace-filled, meditative, and enlightening day of reflection on the theme of “Silence: Special Sign of God’s Presence”. The location is at the Oblate Lenox House of Hospitality (290 Lenox Avenue), and the time is Saturday, February 2nd from 9:00 to 3:00pm. Lunch will be provided, and the suggested donation is $45.00. Please RSVP with Fr. Don Arel, OMI at: 510-289-5443.
Over the Christmas holidays, Dr. Lazarus Agbowo, a long standing member of our parish, passed away. Dr. Agbowo was not only a leader in our parish but also in the wider Nigerian community of our area. Many are mourning his passing. Please click for further information regarding the funeral services for Dr. Agobowo.
Legion of Mary Oakland Comitium invites you to attend ACIES. Let us renew our consecration to Mary, Saturday March 23, 2019, 10:30 AM - Rosary and Legion Prayers, 11:00 AM - Holy Mass and Consecration, 12:0 PM - Reception to follow in the parish center. Celebrant is Fr. Phillip Singarayar, OMI - Spiritual Director
On Sunday, Jan 13th, the Knights of Columbus, Oakland Council 784 will host their annual pancake breakfast. It will be after the two Sunday Masses. Adults are $12 and children are $5. As usual it will be scrumptious so plan on coming and eating well.
The Catholic Voice invites you to join Fr. Jayson Landeza and Bishop Larry Silva of Honolulu to “Honor the Great Saints of Hawaii” St. Damien & St. Marianne Cope in Hawaii on September 8 –14, 2019. Please contact Camile Tompkins at The Catholic Voice for a brochure at 510-419-1081 or [email protected]. Hawaii Pilgrimage Informational Meeting will be on January 13, 2019 at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, 2808 Lakeshore Ave., Oakland from 2:00—3:00 p.m.