Next weekend, March 24th-25th, 2018 begins one of the most sacred times of our church year. Next weekend is Palm Sunday with the distribution of palms at all the Masses. We commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and the joyous welcome from the people. It begins the week when we remember the significant events of the end of Jesus earthly life, the Last Supper with his disciples, his crucifixion and death and his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Please make time to participate in the religious ceremonies of this Holy Week. You can find our schedule for Holy Week in the mass schedule section of our website.
On Saturday, March 24th, at 1:00 p.m. there will be a special demonstration in support of students who are speaking up against gun violence in schools. It will take place in the plaza in front of City Hall in San Francisco. This is a great way for all generations to show support for our younger generation and the stand they are taking.
Legion of Mary cordially invites you to the Acies Consecration to Mary Saturday, March 24th; 10:30 a.m. Rosary and Legion of Mary Prayers; 11:00 a.m. Holy Mass and consecration and 12:00 noon potluck lunch in the Parish Center.
Help us create a beautiful environment for the Easter Season. Your gift of Easter Lilies or a monetary donation may be made in memory of the loved or simply as a gift. Please drop-off the Easter lilies or donation to the Church on Holy Thursday or Good Friday. For more information contact Ben Navarra 904-2487.
Our finance council is planning to give us the annual financial report at the Masses during the weekend of March 17-18, 2018. Many items in this years report will be different because of our new arrangement with the Yu Ming charter school. Our financial council has been working very hard to stay on top of our financial situation. We want to thank them for their interest, expertise and generosity of time. Managing God's gift of financial assets is a great service to our parish.
We offer our prayers and support to the DeVincenzi and Markell families, Guy, husband of Mary DeVincenzi and long time members of Sacred Heart passed Tuesday, February 27th. Preparations are being made for his services. Eternal rest grant him O’ Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
The second collection this weekend will be for Catholic Relief Services. The CRS is the disaster and emergency relief arm of the universal Catholic church. They respond quickly to crises all around the world. They do great work in our name. Please be as generous as your situation allows. To learn more about what services are supported please visit for more information.
Thanks to the generosity of our members we went over our goal of $9,100.00 in pledges for the Bishop's Appeal. At the end of the appeal whatever money is over our goal will come back to the parish. Again, thanks to the many parishioners who pledged to this year's Bishop's Appeal.