The Sacred Heart Prayer Group will host their first casino bus trip of the year to Cache Creek & Feather Falls on Saturday, January 27, 2018. Tickets are $35.00 per person, $20 casino voucher and breakfast provided. Depart Sacred Heart Parking Lot 6:45a.m. For more information contact Ben Navarra 510-658-7685, Ernie Villezar Gomez (510) 703-2432 or Penny Leano (510)289-8762. All proceeds will be donated to Sacred Heart Church maintenance fund.
The Annual Christmas Bake Sale was a success as always, it raised $1,016.00. In addition, from the sale of the Christmas Cards another $460.00 was raised. Thank you to everyone who supported these fundraisers especially the Fundraising Committee who did an outstanding job.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have been collecting items for the homeless in our area. The response of our members has been very generous. Now the youth of our parish will distribute those donated items in the upcoming week. May I express gratitude to all those who donated to this cause.
On the weekend of Dec. 16-17 we will take up our normal monthly collection for the maintenance of our church property. Next weekend, Dec. 23-24 we will take up our annual collection for the Christmas flowers. Please be generous as your circumstances allow.
On the weekend of Dec. 16-17 we will host our annual Christmas Bake Sale. Those who are willing to contribute baked goods please contact Judy Rogers at 510 927 6895.
After each of the Masses this weekend we will be selling Christmas cards with pictures unique to our church. It is a fundraising effort by our Fundraising Committee. A set of 12 cards is $20. We are also selling Christmas tree ornaments for $5. Please support us in this effort.
On Saturday, Dec. 16th, from 9:00 am to Noon our parish will sponsor a special morning of prayer and reflection to prepare us for a deeper celebration of the birth of Jesus. The guest preacher will be Fr. Ken Hamilton SVD. Please mark your calendars and set aside this time to prepare our hearts for this year's celebration of Christmas.
This past weekend, Mr. Jim Mikus, passed away in his sleep. Jim was a member of our fundraising committee, the Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus. His wife Kim taught many years in our school. The memorial Mass will be Saturday, Dec. 9th at 10 AM in the church. If you can not attend this liturgy, please remember Jim in your prayers.