Please do not forget our annual celebration of Our Lady of Fatima sponsored by our parish prayer group. The celebration is Saturday, Oct 22nd starting at 4 PM with rosary, Mass and free dinner and dance. Please mark your calendars for this event.
Next weekend is the annual second collection for The Catholic Voice. Your donation helps your parish offset its payments for this important communications ministry. The Voice and its other operations El Heraldo Catόlico, websites and social media are the only regular source of Catholic news and information for all parishioners in the diocese. Please be generous in your support. Checks should be made payable to the parish.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the parish, for your many prayers. Your understanding and support has meant much to me, my Oblate Community and my family. You have blessed us. The surgery went well and the new kidney is working. I am being closely followed by the UCSF Transplant Center. I would ask you to join with me, in prayerful support, for the family who made the decision to donate the kidney of their son, brother, friend, as they grieve his death.
We offer our prayers and support to the Bremond Family, long time members of Sacred Heart, in the loss of their sister Charlotte. Schedule of services are as follows: Rosary - Thursday September 29th, 7:00 PM, Funeral Mass - Friday September 30th, 4:00 PM. Please continue prayers for the Bremond Family during this most difficult time.
On Sunday, Oct. 9th, starting at 4 PM at the Fratellanza Club, located at 1140 - 66th Street here in Oakland, our Italian Cultural Federation will sponsor their annual anniversary dinner. This is their 84th anniversary. Tickets are $30. Fliers are in the back of church. For more info, please call Mary Ann Francis at (510) 655-4971 or Claire Ramirez at (510) 724-9790.
Ana Reyes is the housekeeper for our rectory. Her cousin in Guatemala, is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. Ana is asking for our help in offsetting the expenses for this procedure. If you can help there is a donation box in the entrance of the church. Thank you for your generosity.
Our parish prayer group will be sponsoring its annual celebration of Our Lady of Fatima on Saturday Oct. 22nd. There will be a rosary at 4 PM, Mass at 5 PM and a free dinner feast at 6 PM. All are welcome. Between now and then the prayer group members will be selling raffle tickets: first price a large color TV; second prize is a tablet; third prize is a microwave. All proceeds from this raffle go to the parish. For more info, call Ben Navarro at (510) 658-7685 or Hermania Vellezar at (707) 980-7501.
The Peter’s Pence Collection is an opportunity to stand in solidarity with Catholics all over the world to support the charitable works of Pope Francis. Your donation will support the Holy Father as he reaches out to those suffering the effects of war and violence, natural disasters, and religious persecution. Thank you for your support of Pope Francis and his charitable works.
On Saturday, September 17th, our parish will host a Safe Environment training session. It will be 9 AM to noon in our parish hall. You can register for this event at This is an obligatory session for all those who volunteer for parish work or ministry. Please plan on joining us and updating ourselves in protection of our children and vulnerable adults.
Sacred Heart Prayer Group is sponsoring a trip to Feather Falls and Thunder Valley, Saturday, October 8. The cost is $30.00 per person with a refund of $20.00; breakfast is provided on the bus and the bus will depart at 6:45a.m. sharp! To reserve your seat or more information contact Ben Navarra (510) 658-7685 / (510) 904-2487 or Hermie Villezar (707) 980-7501.