It is that time again! Saturday August 20, there will be a casino bus trip to Feather Falls and Cache Creek! Cost is $30 per person with a $20 refund. Departure time is 6:45 am prompt in the Sacred Heart parking lot. Breakfast will be served on the bus. To reserve a seat please contact Ben Navarra at (510) 658-7685 or Hermie Villear at (707) 980-7501. Proceeds will go to church maintenance. This casino trip is sponsored by the Sacred Heart Prayer Group
Sacred Heart’s fifth Sunday second collection for St. Vincent de Paul/Parish Charities is next weekend. Your assistance with this worthwhile cause allows the society and the parish to help the poor and those who have temporarily fallen upon hard times. Thank you for your generosity.
The Legion of Mary is inviting everyone to attend a day of recollection Saturday, August 20th. The theme is “Spiritual Growth to Jesus Through Mary Our Mother”, the keynote speaker Fr. Bill Mason, OMI. The day will begin at 8:30a.m. with Mass followed by a light breakfast.
Please take an opportunity to read the June 27th publication of the Catholic Voice. In it there is a wonderful article written by Sacred Heart's own Ms. Carrie McClish! If you were not able to be in attendance at the anniversary Mass this is a great way to get a sense of what the celebration was like. If you do not receive the Catholic Voice in the mail please visit