Please take an opportunity to remember the victims of the attacks that took place recently in Instanbul and all those who are victims of recent attacks in the Middle East. May God comfort them and their families at this time.
Jesus asks this question of his disciples. He also asks it of us. After years of going to church, praying, loving, after the experience of all this, who is Jesus for me? How do I answer that question in very personal terms? How has my relationship with the Lord Jesus developed over the years? How comfortable am I with sharing my experience of Jesus with others?
It is that time again! Saturday June 18, there will be a casino bus trip to Feather Falls and Cache Creek! Cost is $30 per person with a $20 refund. Departure time is 6:45 am prompt in the Sacred Heart parking lot. Breakfast will be served on the bus. To reserve a seat please contact Ben Navarra at (510) 658-7685 or Hermie Villear at (707) 980-7501. Proceeds will go to church maintenance. This casino trip is sponsored by the Sacred Heart Prayer Group.
Know Someone in Need? Not sure how to help? Check out “Faith in Action” the new Catholic Social Services Directory created by your Catholic Charities of the East Bay. This online resource can be accessed on your smartphone or your home computer and will put you in touch with local Social Service Agencies that can help with issues of Homelessness, Counselling, Healthcare, Domestic Violence and many other needs our people may have. Go to and help your neighbor!
Another way we are celebrating our anniversary is by using items from the old church as part of the new church. In the restrooms we have hung pictures of the stained glass windows of the old church. We hope to plan some more ways of celebrating our history during this anniversary year.
On the weekend of July 16-17 the parish Finance Council will make a financial report to the parish. In anticipation of that report we are making available financial information in the bulletin and on the website leading up to that report. In the diocese of Oakland every parish pays two specific expenses to the diocese every month. Each parish pays an assessment that supports the diocesan ministries and an insurance payment. The assessment for Sacred Heart is $20,574 ($1,714 per month) and the insurance is $29,661 ($2,471 per month). Please keep this in mind as the parish re-evaluate its intake to better serve the needs of the parish and community.
On Thursday of this week Fr. Bill will be away for the preaching of two retreat to nuns, one in Maine and one in North Dakota. Please remember the sisters in your prayers. The proceeds from these retreats will go to the parish. Fr. Bill will return July 6th.
In the generosity of your prayers, please remember Mrs. Rene Flores who recently departed this life. May her should and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
This Sunday at the 10 AM Mass three of our younger members will receive the Body and Blood of Jesus for the first time. They are ANNABELLA VENTRESCO, DEZEREE PRATER and MARIANNA WEBSTER. We welcome them a full fledged members of our family of faith, for that is part of the meaning of the Eucharist. Please give them a warm and personal welcome because they also receive the body of Christ through us who are the Body of Christ.
During The Celebration of The Eucharistic Liturgy please remember to turn off your cell phones. Or, if it is necessary for you to have your cell phone on, please change the setting to the vibrate mode as not to disturb the celebration of the Mass.
On Fathers' Day, June 19th, the Knights of Columbus will sponsor a pancake breakfast after the Sunday Masses. Please treat your fathers to a wonderful breakfast which they will enjoy much. It is a great way to show to all of our fathers our appreciation.
Sunday, June 12th, at the 10 AM Mass we will celebrate the first communion of some of our younger members. Please remember them in your prayers and when you have the opportunity share with them your own first communion and how your relationship with Jesus Christ is very real and personal.
Monday, June 6th, is the anniversary of the battle of Normandy. We still enjoy many of the freedoms that this battle helped preserve. Many soldiers died in this battle. All of us are asked to remember in prayer these men and women and their families.
It is part of our civic responsibility to participate in our political process. Tuesday, June 7th, is the day for primary voting. If you have not already sent in your ballot by mail, please vote on that day. When we vote we give some credibility to our complaints about our government and representatives.