This weekend we celebrate the aspect of our faith by which we believe that the presence of the risen Lord continues with us in the form of consecrated bread and wine. Formerly this feast was known as Corpus Christi. The Second Vatican Council expands our understanding of the real presence of the Lord Jesus. It reaffirmed the real presence of the Lord in the bread and wine, but also added that the Lord Jesus is really resent in the Word of God proclaimed through biblical readings during the Mass. The Lord is also really present in the community of believers because we are the Body of Christ. May this year's celebration of the Body and Blood of Christ deepen our awareness of the many ways the Lord's present in our lives.
The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has declared this year to be a year of Mercy. Last week the corporal works of mercy were recognized; this week we will recognize the spiritual works of mercy: to convert sinners, to instruct the ignorant, to advise the doubtful, to comfort the sorrowful, to bear wrongs patiently, to forgive injuries, and to pray for the living and the dead.
This Monday, May 30th, is the national celebration of Memorial Day. It is the time in the year when we remember those who have given their lives in service of our country. The morning Mass will be in the church that day instead of the chapel so that more people can attend and remember our fallen soldiers. Please plan on joining us that day and remember in prayer these women and men.
This weekend at the 10 AM Mass we will be presenting the young adults of our parish who are preparing for the sacrament of confirmation next spring. We have been having and will continue to have preparatory sessions with these young adults. Please remember them in your prayers.
This weekend we celebrate the major feast of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down upon the apostles. It is also the day when we remember our own confirmation when the Holy Spirit came down upon us. The Holy Spirit is the way we experience the presence of God within us. Through the Holy Spirit the Trinitarian God makes a dwelling place in us. May the celebration of Pentecost 2016 enable us to feel the divine presence more deeply.
On Sunday, June 5th, at the 10 AM Mass there will be a special Eucharistic celebration of our anniversary. Bishop John Cummins will preside at this liturgy. We also plan to bring up at the presentation time, a Book of Remembrance. Over the next two weeks we invite all of our members to write in the names of the family members and parishioners they wish to be remembered in this book. The book will be in the vestibule of the church so that anyone can sign in the names to be remembered. Also during the next two weeks in the back of church there will be a member of the Fundraising committee taking reservations for and cultural dish donations for the Multicultural Food Fest on Saturday, June 4th at 6 PM in the cafeteria. We encourage everyone to donate a cultural dish so that we can celebrate the diversity of our parish. Also is it a way to "spice" up the celebration.
The school year is winding down. The final class day will be Friday, June 3rd. As the students prepare for the end of the academic year, we ask prayers from everyone that their learning will be a benefit to them, their families and the community.
The Parish Office is currently accepting Mass Intentions for the year 2017. If you would like to offer a Mass for the intentions of your family or friends living or deceased, stop by or telephone (655-9209) the Parish Office during office hours. We will be happy to assist you.
The weekend of May 7 & 8, our parish will take up a collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in our diocese and support local needs, so please be generous in this collection.