Jesus revealed the fulfillment of this Word in the Gospel reading today. The Word brought them together in the synagogue, but then He took it one step further. The Word revealed the truth – and He is the truth. Jesus revealed the truth.
We offer our prayers and support to the Walker Family, Mrs. Wilma Walker, a long time member of Sacred Heart recently passed. Her service will be held at Sacred Heart, Monday Jan. 25, at 11:00 a.m. followed by a repass in the parish hall. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
On Sat. Jan 30th, at 10:00 AM in the parish hall, there will be a registration for all those wishing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. The age of reception for this sacrament according to the Diocese of Oakland is 16. We ask those interested and and their parents to come to the gathering.
Each year, around the feast of the conversion of St. Paul, Jan. 25th, many Christian churches, including all Catholic churches, pray for and work for the unity of all Christian churches. During this week please pray for Christian unity.
On Jan. 25th, the Missionary Oblates will celebrate their 200th anniversary of their founding. It is a milestone in the history of the congregation of the Oblates. Please remember all the Oblates in your prayers on that day.
February is the normal month for the annual Bishop's appeal. We will be making an extra effort on the Sunday's of Feb. 7th, 14th, and 21st. Please take it to prayer how it is Sacred Heart parish can live up to our responsibility as part of the Diocese of Oakland. To learn more about the Bishop's Appeal please visit the Diocesan Bishop's Appeal Homepage at
This scene happened at the beginning of the public life of Jesus. He already had some disciples following him. No doubt some of his reputation had reached Mary's ears. She had confidence in his problem solving ability. She felt for the married couple that they would be embarrassed on such an important occasion as their wedding reception. Maybe she did not know what her son would do, but she was confident that the situation would be resolved.
This past Sunday the Knights of Columbus sponsored a very successful Pancake breakfast. With the help of many other parishioners and the gracious donation of supplies, our pancake breakfast raised $1,176.00. Many, many thanks to all who attended, and especially all who served at the breakfast. It would not have been as successful without all of you.
This month weather permitting, we should start work on the new fence along the 41st street side of our property. When the work actually begins, we might have to use the entrance on the 40th street side, especially for weekday Masses. This fence should greatly enhance our property. I want to thank Dr. Hollis Pierce-Jenkins, the president of St. Martin de Porres school, for working for the establishment of this fence. It is a $43,000.00 project. Again, many thanks to Dr. Hollis.
Soon in the front section of the church, we will be hanging some pictures to enhance the environment of our church. We also plan to mount some pictures of the history of our parish over the table where we have our coffee and donuts on the weekend. This is one way we will be celebrating the 140th anniversary of our parish during the year 2016.
The parish council is working on updating the parish mission statement. We would like to include the parishioners in the creating of this updated version. On the weekend of Jan 30-31, we will consult the members at the Masses about the following two questions: WHY DO YOU COME TO SACRED HEART? WHAT IS GOD CALLING SACRED HEART TO DO? If you can not be here on that weekend, there will be a box and papers in the back of church so that you can give your responses to these questions in advance. Next week we will print the current mission statement in the bulletin for your prayerful reflection. It is also posted in the vestibule of the church for your reading also. Please pray for the gift of discernment for all of us in this process.
This weekend we celebrate the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. By Jesus undergoing baptism, he consecrates this rite as a means of receiving divine life. In the biblical story of God the Father speaks of his beloved son. By baptism God establishes a very intimate bond with us.
As part of the year of Mercy, Pope Francis has urged us to perform the works of mercy. Last week we listed the corporal works of mercy. This week we mention the spiritual works of mercy. TO ONVERT SINNERS, TO INSTRUCT THE IGNORANT, TO ADVISE THE DOUBTFUL, TO COMFORT THE SORROWFUL, TO BEAR WRONGS PATIENTLY, TO FORGIVE INJURIES and TO PRAY FOR THE LIVING AND THE DEAD.
In order to display some pictures of our history, all are invited to an Album viewing gathering on Saturday, Jan. 16th at 9 a.m. in the parish hall. We hope to create some displays of pictures that will remind us of the history of the parish which we can celebrate.
This Tuesday, Jan. 12th at 7 p.m. in the daily mass chapel we will start our adult bible study. It is part of our parish participation in the Year of Mercy. We will be studying the gospel of Luke, which is often described as the gospel of mercy. The group is still open so if you are interested, please join us.
This past week the Finance Council finished the budget for 2016 which has to be submitted to the diocese by the end of January. One of the line items for income is the rental of the hall and the cafeteria. We are looking for a volunteer with interest and talents to market these two facilities. If the Holy Spirit is calling you to respond to this request, please call the rectory. Fr. Bill will respond to your initiative.
The Epiphany is the feast commemorating the visit of the Magi or Three Kings to the baby Jesus. Whereas the visit of the Shepherds on Christmas day represents the Jewish people, the visit of the Magi represents the Gentiles, the rest of us. This feast challenges us to be truly catholic, namely, inclusive of all cultures.
Sacred Heart is happy to announce that we have a Podcast site supported via Podbean. There you will find the homilies from the celebrant at our 10:00 a.m. mass. Maybe you might have missed an opportunity to be at mass that day or you may simply feel moved and inspired to re-listen to the message of the word, it is now a convenience for you here on the website and our podcast homepage. We have an audio player on our homepage that you can easily access to listen to our homilies as well as in our news section of the website titled Sunday Homilies. You can also access our podcast directly at
On Sunday, Jan 31st, St. Martin de Porres school will sponsor an open house. It is an opportunity for all parents and grandparents to see the quality education that the school has to offer. It will take place from 12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.. The school needs to increase enrollment in hopes of making it truly viable. Please consider sending your children to St. Martin de Porres and recommending the school to your friends and neighbors.
Our Lady of Lourdes in Oakland will be hosting a book signing with Bishop Emeritus John S. Cummins for his newly published book Vatican II, Berkeley and Beyond: The First Half Century of the Oakland Diocese, 1962-2012. The signing will take place Sunday, January 10, 12:15 p.m.-2:00 p.m., Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, 2808 Lakeshore Ave, Oakland. After Bishop Cummins is introduced he will share some remarks about his book. Refreshments will be available.