Every Catholic Diocese in our country has to have a program for protecting God's children and vulnerable adults. For the Diocese of Oakland, the program is called VIRTUS. Each parish has a training session every three years. As part of this program employees and volunteers of every parish have to be fingerprinted. After the Masses on the weekend of March 14-15, a representative of the diocese will be here to fingerprint the employees and volunteers of our parish. This means that if you are a lector, Eucharistic minister, choir member, altar server, usher, member of the parish council, finance council, fundraising committee, liturgy committee, Knight of Columbus, Legion of Mary, parish prayer group or volunteer for any parish event where you might be around children, you are asked to have your fingerprints taken. You can have your fingerprints taken in other places, but you will have to pay. If you do it at the church on that weekend, the church will pay for it. We have put a signup sheet in the back of church so that by signing up things could flow more smoothly. Thank you very much for your cooperation.