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To commemorate our 145th anniversary we will be creating T-shirts with the same logo that we had on our parish masks. One is on display in the church vestibule. You can also sign up for T-shirts on the table in the back. The sizes are small, medium, large and extra large. Please put your name and phone number on the size that you want. The cost for each shirt will be $10. This is a way to recall our history and celebrate all we have done.
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Next weekend, Nov. 27-28, we will take up the annual collection for the Campaign for Human Development. This organization sponsored by our American Bishops, supports programs that work for justice in our world. It gives back to the Diocese of Oakland more money than we send to them. This year they gave $144,000 to programs in our diocese. Please continue with your generosity.
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In compliance with the new order issues for all Bay Area counties, masks are once again required indoors, regardless of vaccination status, effective August 2, 2021. This applies to Mass and any indoor gatherings at Sacred Heart Church. While we know these are trying setbacks, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we all try to navigate these challenges together safely as brothers and sisters in Christ.
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The Church needs good and holy priests, and it needs good and holy religious. The different vocations complement each other and build upon each other. They make for a vibrant Church built of ‘living stones’ to carry the message of God’s love in Jesus to others. Join Fr. Carl Arcosa, Director, Office of Vocations for Adoration, Confession, Benediction, Q&A with the Diocesan Vocation Team and a reception on Saturday, September 11, 2021, 4:00 PM at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church - 41933 Blacow Road, Fremont, CA. Register with Fr. Carl Arcosa at CArcosa@oakdiocese.org
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St. Mary as mother, companion, friend or casual acquaintance? Where does Mary have a place in our life? Presented by Joan Clair DiStefano, OFS, this weekend retreat will utilize personal reflection/discussion, composing a personal prayer, and creating from supplied materials a personal rosary or meditation bracelet. It will take place on Friday, August 27, 2021, 1:00 PM. To register please use this link: https://sandamiano.org/events/personal-retreat-for-mary-art-and-prayer/#tkt-slctr-tbl-17122 or contact Contact Kateri at katerik@sandamiano.org or call 925-785-9850 if you prefer making your reservation by phone.
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Saint Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County in partnership with the Pentecostals of the Bay Area, the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano and Contra Costa Health Services are offering a free food distribution drive AND the opportunity for a free Covid-19 vaccine at the same site. Please register in advance online at: www.myturn.ca.gov and Enter ZIPCODE 94565. The location will be at The Pentecostals of the Bay Area 310 Central Ave, Pittsburg, CA 94565.
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The Survivor Ministry of the Diocese of Oakland will be holding an online conversation to convene survivors of clergy sexual abuse and their loved ones to provide input on how healing and reconciliation services should be delivered at the Oakland Diocese. Lifting Survivors’ Voices Mini Conference will be held Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 7-9 p.m. Those interested in attending the online Lifting Survivors’ Voices Mini Conference must register before Aug. 11. Please register at www.oakdiocese.org
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During the months of July and August we will issue a bulletin on the first weekend of each month. In spite of the pandemic we have issued a bulletin each week of this past year. It is time for a break and sometime of relaxation. If you have any submissions to the bulletin, please take this break into consideration.
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This weekend we are having only one Mass; it is on Sunday at 10 AM. We do this annually so that parishioners who go to different Masses get to see each other. Because of the pandemic this year should be especially enjoyable. We have not been together for any of our usual social events. Hopefully coming together this weekend will mean much more. We will distribute name tags to help identify each other more easily. There will be some refreshments after the Mass so that socializing will be as normal as possible. Next year we will be at a more normal pace of life so that on this Unity Sunday weekend we will also host our International Food Fest on Saturday night. Our apologizes to the stomachs of everyone.
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During these 7 Weeks (post Pentecost) we will be looking at the Laudato Si Action Platform more closely as we ponder and contemplate how do we as individuals, families and parish “Care for our Common Home”. Response to the Cry of the Poor: The Response to the Cry of the Poor is a call to promote eco-justice, aware that we are called to defend human life from conception to death, and all forms of life on Earth. Actions could include projects to promote solidarity, with special attention given to vulnerable groups such as indigenous communities, refugees, migrants, and children at risk, analysis and improvement of social systems, and social service programms.
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Usually on the final weekend of June, because it is near the feast of the Sacred Heart, we cancel all Masses and have one Mass on Sunday at 10:00 AM. The night before we have our international food fest. Again due to the virus we are cancelling our “International Food Fest” but we will be having one Unity Mass on Sunday, June 27th at 10:00 AM. Please mark your calendars for that date. It will be a chance for us to visit with each other after a long time of social distancing. More reminders in upcoming weeks.
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With the arrival of the Hiroshima Tree (symbol) in the center of the Peace Garden@Sacred Heart, it is time to take the next step and that is a (sign), a “Peace Pole”. What is a Peace Pole? In the aftermath of the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan it became clear that if Peace was to happen, it would have to happen everywhere. These poles began to appear in Japan in the late 1950 and then in the 1980 in San Francisco and New York. At present there are at least 200,000 Peace Poles around the world. The message is clear: “May Peace Prevail on Earth” More news to come soon. For more info go to; peacepoles.com
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Next Sunday, June 13, at the 10:00 am Mass, Sacred Heart will celebrate Philippine Heritage and Faith. We have invited Crystal Catalan to share her experience of culture and faith as a Filipina American. Crystal has served as a missioner for two years with the Cabrini Sisters in Baguio City and has spoken at various diocesan youth gatherings. So let together welcome Crystal to Sacred Heart and celebrate the blessings of the Filipino Community. This year we will not be serving food after the mass, yet simply gathering and sharing is another step towards a “new normal.”
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We would like to form a St. Vincent de Paul society for our parish. Its main purpose is to help the poor. The diocesan level of the St. Vincent de Paul has said if we have some interested members in our parish they will send a small team to inform us about the structure, works and spirituality of this society. If you are interested in this pastoral effort to help the poor, please tell Fr. Bill and we will take it from there. At this point we are only asking a commitment to find out about this society. After that we will want to find out who is interested in going further. Please pray about whether or not God is calling you to be part of this service of the poor.
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Sacred Heart would like to clarify our policy for drive by communion. We will continue our drive by communion for the next four Sundays - May 30, June 6, 13, and 20, from 12:00 PM, to 12:30 PM. On Sunday there will be no drive by communion because we will have another outdoor Mass, celebrating Unity Sunday. Unity Sunday is that one weekend a year when we have only one Mass at 10:00 AM so that all of our members can get to see each other. Coming off this year of pandemic and social distancing, we hope this is a time when we come together and comfortably and safely converse with each other. As this date gets closer, there will be more info about it. Also since we are trying to get back to some sense of normalcy, we would like to restart taking communion to the homebound. If you or some member of your family would like to receive communion at home, please call the rectory (510 655 9209) and inform us. We will then be in contact to set up a visit with communion.
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On the weekend of May 22-23 we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. The 5:00 PM Saturday Mass and the 7:30 AM Sunday Mass will be as normal but the 7:30 AM Mass will be livestreamed via Zoom. For the 10:00 AM Mass we will celebrate outside in the parking lot. There will be some chairs to sit in (6 feet apart) or you can remain in your car. This is an experiment to see if we will do it in the future for special events. There will be no drive by communion for that Sunday.
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Laudato Si’ Week 2021, to be held May 16-25, will be the crowning event of the Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year, and a celebration of the great progress the whole Church has made on its journey to ecological conversion. Laudato Si’ Week 2021 will also be a time to reflect on what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us and prepare for the future with hope. For more information on Laudato Si week activities, visit the website: www.laudatosiweek.org
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For the next three months, Bro. Solomon Gaja, OMI, and Bro. Moses Wafula Khisa, OMI, will be with us for an internship of ministry and community. At the Masses this weekend the two seminarians will introduce themselves to us. Let us give them a very warm Sacred Heart welcome.
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Join us after each Sunday mass or communion in the parking lot.
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